BAM JAM #1 - Music and Visuals Performance
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Hey everyone, and happy Friday!
Whether you want to make beats at breakfast or get creative on your coffee break, there’s always time to enjoy a tasty bit of a BAM JAM.
And today we have a bitesize BAM JAM served up by our headchef of music, Lucas!
Using main ingredients of an iPad, an AKAI APC KEY25 MIDI controller, and the BAM and VS iOS apps, Lucas has prepared a tasty audio-visual treat, performing this punchy, percussive little house jam.
Synthesising music with BAM and visuals with VS is a powerful combination for expressing your creativity - not to mention a whole lot of fun too!
Click here to check out the video now!
PS. Have you entered our Instagram BAM Desktop giveaway yet? We’re giving away a total of 24 BAM DESKTOP LICENCES! Hurry, because entry closes this Sunday 28th January. It’s completely free to enter - you've got to be in it to win it!
Tasty beats and hot coffee,
Team Imaginando