Sequence Generation
The sequence generation controls are located on the left side of the interface. Pressing Generate prompts our algorithm to create and play a unique bassline.
Complexity - Set the complexity factor of generated sequences. Lower complexity values produce simpler melodies with fewer notes, while higher values create more complex, note-laden patterns.
Length - Set the length of the generated sequence. Ranges from 2 to 8 beats.
Scale - Set the scale of the generated sequence. The following scales are available:
- Major and minor, as well as the remainder of the seven modal scales
- Chromatic
- Major and minor blues
- Diminished
- Major and minor pentatonic
- Spanish
- Minor Gypsy
- Arabian
- Egyptian
- Ryukyo
- Whole Tone
- Major and minor 3rd
Key - Base key of the generated sequence.
Play Mode - Toggle between playing internal (generated) or external (incoming) MIDI. When set to INT, the generated sequence will play synchronized with the host DAW's transport. In EXT mode, the plug-in will listen exclusively to MIDI provided by the host.
Generate - Generate a new sequence with the selected properties. This automatically starts the internal playback and sets the Play Mode to internal.
Start/Stop - Starts or stops the internal sequence playback.
Drag area
The drag area becomes active once a sequence is generated for the first time. From here, generated sequences can be exported as MIDI clips by dragging and dropping. The internal playback stops and the Play Mode changes to external upon doing this.